

PELADA by mss4st, made at DoInk.com

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Mi opinion

Yo creo que las dos ultimas son las mejores ya que las dos coinciden en la traduccion del texto y la primera es la peor ya que es la que difiere con respecto a las demas.

Texto traducido 3

Tagzania joins etiquettes with places. If you register, you will be able to add places to a personal bill, to be creating and documenting sites(places), maps. When you add a place, you can label it with words key. Thereby, Tagzania not only serves you to guard your own(proper) maps, but there arise territories shared between(among) users.

traducido por eltreductor.ya.com

Texto traducido 2

Tagzania une labels sites. If you register, you can add sites to a personal account, for creating and documenting sites, maps. When you add a location, you can label it with keywords. Thus, Tagzania serves not only to save your own maps, shared territories they arise between users.

traducido por el traductor de google

Texto traducido 1

Tagzania joins etiquettes with places. If you register, you will be able to add places to a personal account(bill), to be creating and documenting sites(places), maps. When you add a place, you can label it with key words. Thereby, Tagzania not only serves you to guard your own(proper) maps, but territories shared between(among) users arise.

texto traducido con elmundo.es